Study analyzing the possibilities to rebuild a part of the cultural estate Istropolis situated on one of the main crossroads in the city of Bratislava. Alternative developments of the site stem from i) the dependencies on the light conditions, ii) the neighbouring site developments, iii) the dynamic and static traffic and local propositions from the municipal authorities. Our proposal researching 4 possibilities how to work with the part of the palace owning our client: A conversion of the buiding In ines of todays regulatives (to add not more than 15 % of the volume), B realistic rebuilding of its part reflecting determinants of the site rozsireny of the closer free space, C indipendent building add to the structure without touching it, D tower – mark of the town.
Location Bratislava, SK, Škultétyho str., Trnavské mýto
Year 2007-2008
Status conceptual design
Client Tatrareal a.s., Bratislava
Size site: 5250 m2, total floor area: up to 178700 m2
Program offices, parking, lobby, living
Ján Studený, Ladislav Bartko, Martin Mihály, Jana Sajdáková
consultations: traffic